“3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Start Feeling More Successful”

I have one question for you.  Do you feel successful right now?  If not, do you know why not?snoopy charlie brown

Many people feel they aren’t as successful in their personal and professional lives as they would like to be. Once you begin to accomplish certain things (and it’s different for everyone), you may start to feel like you are becoming a success.

So what is that magic bullet? To be honest, it’s different for everyone. However, there are a number of things you can do, starting right now, to begin feeling more successful. Once you get started, the rest can more easily fall into place.

1. Define what success means to you. This one sounds like a no-brainer, but it is a step that many people do not take the time to think about. Each of us has our own definition of success, and it will change according to where you are in your life and what activity you are thinking about at the time. So, before you continue feeling as if life has let you down, think about what it is that you want more success with right now. Is it a relationship? A job? A hobby? A different type of pursuit? Next, project yourself into the future and see yourself as a “success” at what you wanted. What does that look like for you? For some, it may mean a particular job title. For others, it may mean earning a certain amount of money. For an athlete, it may be accomplishing a specific time for an event. Whatever your future success looks like, you can now work backwards and begin to form a plan to get there. And remember, moving forward towards your goals is already accomplishing something and therefore, being successful at what you are desiring.

2. If you are not thinking and speaking positively about your future success, change the words you use and the mindset you have into believing you are a success right now. If you continually use negative words and have negative thoughts now, you will have a much more difficult time to begin moving yourself into your success. Tell yourself you have more than what it takes. Let yourself know, everyday, how you are completely capable of accomplishing what it is that you want. Decide now that you are going to do what it is you are setting out to do. Be your own biggest cheerleader and know that you are able to achieve whatever success you desire.

3. Be grateful for everything and everyone you find along your path to success. See everything as opportunities, not obstacles, as you travel that journey. Remember that life happen for us, not to us. When you can begin to see the events along the way as steppingstones to your success and be grateful for all of them, your mindset will change and allow for even more opportunities and success to come to you. Opening yourself up to gratitude and viewing the world as your “oyster of all possibilities” will enable you to see beyond your previous limiting views and start to embrace those things which you may not immediately recognize as things you need to experience. Expressing gratitude is another way to staying positive along your path.

Knowing what you want, staying positive and being grateful are things that anyone can do, starting right now. Is it easy to do? Yes. Is it easy not to do? Yes. But like other habits, following these three simple strategies is something to get you started on your path to success.

Tanya Lelo, Certified Professional Life Coach
River of Opportunities, LLC

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