On My Deathbed

no regretsFor so many years, I’ve been hearing stories and reading accounts of so many people who, on their deathbed, have expressed regret or remorse about not having lived their lives to the fullest. They did not go after their real passions. They did not chase their own dreams. They did not forgive someone else or themselves and held that grudge forever. They harbored ill feelings and never let them go.

In their final moments on this earth, they tell others how they don’t want them to make the same mistakes. You’ve heard the cliche “Live life to the fullest.” And yet, what are so many people still doing?

Exactly right. They are NOT chasing their dreams. They are NOT following their true passions. They are STILL harboring ill-will and unforgiveness to themselves or others.

What if, right now, I were to give you a gift? What if today, you suddenly found yourself on your deathbed? If you knew that you had less than 24 hours left on earth, what do you think you would regret the most? What have you not done that you wished you had? What would you have said to someone that has gone unsaid?

So, what’s this “gift” I’m offering to you? Well, for the vast majority of you reading this now, I can almost guarantee there’s an overwhelming probability that you have more than 24 hours left in your lifetime.

Consider this your wake-up call to really think ahead about those “future regrets” and actually have the opportunity to do something about them RIGHT NOW.

1) Make the conscious choice to change. Change your attitude. Change how you feel about someone or something. Change your idea that you can’t do something. Change your belief of what others think about you. Move out of your comfort zone and decide to go after what you really want in life. You can absolutely do all of these things.

2) Decide what is truly important to you in your life right now. Is there someone you want to get to know? Is there a career you’ve always wanted to pursue? Is there a trip that you’ve always wanted to take? Is there an activity you’ve always wanted to accomplish? Determine what you want to have, be or do and go do it. Now is the time, not later. There is no guarantee there will be a “later.”

3) Open yourself up to unlimited possibilities now and from this point forward. If you have limiting beliefs about what is possible, what you can (or can’t do), about what others will think about you, or what you are really able to accomplish, RETHINK them now. Those stories about your limitations are just that….made-up stories. Rewrite your book now and YOU can decide what you are truly capable of doing.

4) Clean up the past with yourself and others by forgiving and moving forward. A wonderful quote about not forgiving goes something like this. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You only punish yourself by harboring ill-feelings towards others, especially if it’s something that happened a long time ago. By forgiving, you are literally “giving for” yourself. You are letting go of hurt and anger that is very possibly not even affecting the other person that you think you’re directing it towards anyway. By not taking things personally to begin with, it’s easier to forgive, let go and move on.

Know that when that time comes, and you are on your deathbed, you have made the choices to live your life to the fullest, to accomplish your deepest desires, to live out your true passions, on your terms, and will leave this earth plane with no regrets.

Finally Getting “Being in the Moment”

now watchAfter so many years of reading about and hearing about being present, being in the moment, being the “I Am,” I believe that I finally am understanding it.

Staying in the present, being focused, and creating each moment has been making more and more sense to me, as I’ve been able to experience it more and more.

I’ve been able to make that connection with being present and releasing control and detaching from the outcomes.

It is clearer to me how I can set intentions, yet not be fully tied to a particular outcome of exactly how I wish it to be or how it should turn out in the end. By creating it, focusing on it, knowing it is so and releasing it, I can be more relaxed in my knowing and manifestation, especially when I sincerely believe and add, “this or something better, for the good of all involved.”

Maintaining a positive space and a loving energy around the intention, along with the manifestation process, has given me more insight into truly knowing and feeling whether or not it is right for me. I have also been able to more accurately determine whether or not the timing is also right as well.

Focusing on the now and being present has allowed more room for me to be grateful, enjoy the experience, open fully to being with my emotions, and connect with Spirit.

Living in the past rehashes old emotions, stories, blocks, and beliefs which aren’t serving my highest good. Learning a lesson, to me, means knowing how an event affected me, taking responsibility for it and making the necessary emotional adjustments to move forward into the now based on what I learned. Living in the future only creates expectations which can lead to negative (catabolic) energy and disappointment.

Embracing “being in the now” allows for greater insight, greater connection, greater knowing and much more inner peace. Worrying about the past or future does not allow the space for those positive (anabolic) things/events/people to come into one’s life.

Can you really know who you are when you are living in stories of the past or the future? If those pictures or stories are no longer true, or never were meant to be true, then you are not being your authentic, genuine self. You can only be who you are, in this present moment, standing in your truth, not in some made-up story of the past or future. Neither of those exist today.

Be your authentic self now, in this moment, as you experience being present. I am, and you are, right NOW.

Being For Me

When I ask myself who I am being and how I am showing up in this world, I have always thought of myself in relation to others as “a being of service.”  It has always been in the context of who do I need to be FOR others. dance

It suddenly dawned on me I should be thinking, who do I need to be for ME?

If I am to be the change I wish to see in the world (which is what I aspire to); if I am to be living as an example of being one with the Divine and living outwardly as my Divine Light, then I need to reaffirm who I am being before I can think of who I am being to others.

I ask myself, what, if anything, do I feel is missing from me now?  Am I taking care of my body, mind and health as I would like to be?  Am I centering and meditating as much as I’d like?  Am I truly being an example of how I wish to see others in the world?  If I answer honestly, the answer is “not really.”

I now see that what I want to be focusing on is the inner me, which will (in turn) then project outwardly to the world.

That is how I will then be able to be here for others and to “be the change that I wish to see in the world.”  By becoming who I wish to be, I could then lead by example.  Love, compassion, truth and beauty needs to be a part of me first and who I am projecting.  That is how I wish to show up in the world, in this moment in time on this Earth plane.

This is what I believe means to be genuine, authentic and walking the talk.  Being FOR me means I wish to do it for me first and embody it before I can share it and teach it to others.

How to Make Peace with Disappointment

Disappointment comes when you attach yourself to the results and the results don’t happen exactly how you thought they would.  If you look at the process and the possibilities that could exist, regardless of the exact result, the process will take you where you need to go.  By focusing on the journey and allowing for your highest good to come to you, to be shown to you, you release control and trust that whatever happens is exactly what needs to happen for you at exactly that time.

Unattach from the results.  Learn to understand that we really don’t have control over any outside forces, any thing or any person or situation outside of us.  Be open to opportunities.  Be open to lessons.  Be open to allowing the goodness and the blessings of the universe to come into your life.

Set a path for a direction you wish to go.  Identify  that which you like or which you intend.  But then release the outcome and be open to that which comes to you.  Things are placed in our paths which we are meant to discover and to use as stepping stones on our journey.  Just release and trust and welcome what is brought to you.